You have a nice little program.
Bugs in 1.2.1:
- If the end of the last line contains an url (and highliting is enabled) then the click area for the link extends to the end of the window
- If the following line is empty then selecting a line with shift+down actually selects two lines
- Indent/Outdent command indents also one extra line after the selection
- Indent/Outdent doesn't always work at the near end of the file
- File menu goes pretty wide when there are recent files. Maybe you should cut longer lines (hide part of the directory structure), but some information would be lost..
- Statusbar has the text "Ready...". Why is that?
Small layout suggestion: the text area doesn't need that extra black border in addition to the already present (and sufficient and not so glaring) gray one.
(Following contains some is repetition, sorry)
Features for 2.x:
- Keep size/startup time small -> very important. That is the reason I use this program: it is lite.
- Option to add custom file extensions. (Like many have requested)
- Unicode support (UTF-8, UTF-16 (at least big-endian, maybe little-endian too)). At this time and age this should probably be a must. =) (For more, see:
http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets)- Remeber last save/load directory
Nice but not necessary features:
- Additional user selectable colors: (in addition of what has been said) current line highlighting
- Warning messages should be toggleable: I don't want to be notified of saving when exiting if I didn't have any specific file open that had changes; warnings about large files; files that are binary or contain null characters; etc.
- User customization of the toolbar
- Transparency for the whole program (only works on 2k and XP)
- Tabs for multible files. (Hidden when only one open.)
- Don't include syntax highlighting. There are a lot of syntax highlighting editors out there that might be better suited for coding anyways (for example free: AEdiX Suite, ConTEXT, Crimson, Source Edit, jEdit. commercial: UltraEdit, EditPad Pro). Also this only should be implemented with external syntax highlighting files that could be added/updated/removed independently of the main program.
- If you implemented syntax highlighting then people would also want per language/per file extension macros, external commands (with console output capture) and insertion templates.

- Plugin system with the possibility that plugins could do syntax highlighting, spell checking, external console windows, code structure trees (ctags), etc. would be nice.. but might be freaking hard to do adequately well. (For implementation see jEdit.)
Please ignore few suggestions from xaaran. They counter expected usability.
- Word wrap option should be accessible from menu. This is used so often that hiding it in options dialog would make it too cumbersome.
- Drag&drop should open the dropped file. Only if it is just text should it be copied/inserted to the current file.
- Integration to external email client would probably fail, at least auto copy of the text is impossible. (You could leave the selected text to the clipboard, though.) I have seen text editors that have had internal email clients.. I don't wish to use those. (If there would be a plugin structure for extra features someone could very well make an email plugin. No objections for that.)
- Autocomplete sounds nice but would work only with customized file extension. I definitely would want to limit the editor to making suggestions to only a very specific case. Maybe only in the case that you press a shortcut key?
P.S. Sorry about the length, errors and hard to read text.