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Author Topic: NYPHP: OWASP and Joomla  (Read 68379 times)
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Posts: 423

« on: January 30, 2009, 11:06:54 pm »

On Tuesday we had our first NYPHP user group meeting of 2009. We also had quite a turnout with many many fresh faces.

The user group meeting consisted of two presentations. The first one which ran for about 15 minutes was about OWASP (http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page). It was mostly general stuff about the organization and the projects that OWASP is involved in. I would have loved some more PHP specific material. For those who never heard of OWASP before it's a huge organization that covers various technologies. They also mentioned OWASP NYC AppSec 2008 Conference (http://www.owasp.tv) that ran in September of 2008. There is a ton of content posted from the conference including videos.

The second part of the user group meeting was the reason behind the meeting. The presenter is co-founder of Joomla (http://www.joomla.com). He started off with the "State of Joomla" and some history. After that he delved into how he got involved in Joomla and the project that he was involved in. He also mentioned the challenges that he and his team ran into and the strength of Joomla at solving some of these challenges. I was also impressed with the way the speaker covered the material with jokes, examples and stories. There was a lot of great content and questions.

I am waiting for the slides get posted so that those who missed the meeting will be able to see what they missed. Overall a great meeting that ran late.

P.S. I took a look and played a bit with Joomla. It seems like a great project to use and be involved in. I will definitely spend more time to see what it's all about and see what crazy things you can do with it. It also provides a rich and professional interface that's easy to customize with hundreds of extensions. Also looking through the documentation adding new views is a matter of writing a couple of files and is something that could be accomplished within an hour or so.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2009, 06:55:54 pm by Gena01 » Logged
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