>Making it configurable and off by default would be perfect, >thanks.
I'll think about adding this.
Also hate to throw out this nitpicks, but here goes:
>- can you limit the length of the filename in the MRU, I have a >really, really long path/filename combo and it's across my >screen on a 1024x768 setting.
This is fixed in my development version already.

> add a link to your homepage right on the Help menu
Hm. Nice idea.
> not that I ever use it but the contents & help links don't open >up automatically unless I'm in the win32pad directory. You >might have to hardcore <apppath> & file into the menu option.
Will need to check this.
> opening a maximized window after minimizing to tray opens it >up in restored view, not maximized
I think I finally fixed it, in my development version.
>- adding associate to more files types as a subsection in the >installer: .log, .csv, .html, .css, etc. Maybe in filetype groups, >Text, Web, etc.
We should compile the full list with groups, and I'll go and update the installer. Also I'll check, but I know that there was a small option in the setup that allowed you to open ANY fiile from Windows Explorer's right click menu in Win32Pad.