« on: November 18, 2008, 10:50:33 pm » |
Things have been busy. We actually had two presentations/meetings last week (Tues and Wed).
On Tues we had the honor of Giuseppe Maxia ( presenting about MySQL Proxy ( [Slides (]
On Wed we had the honor of Duleepa Wijayawardhana ( a.k.a Dups presenting about High Performance Social Applications with PHP/MySQL (
For me it was an honor to meet both speakers and have a chance to bug them about various things. Both nights the room was packed. It was nice to see such a big turn up and to see people interested in what these speakers had to share.
It was also nice to meet Dups and congratulate him on his new position at Sun/MySQL. For those who don't know Dups is trying to fill the shoes of Jay Pipes (
Some interesting points from both presentations: - people have infrastructure and scalability problems. - there's way more questions than answers. - Giuseppe's blog ( is something that I highly recommend. There's a ton of knowledge and information there. - you should NOT use MySQL Proxy in production. (repeated by Giuseppe a number of times during his talk) - MySQL 5.1 should be out before Christmas? Actually Dec 6 ( - You can load balance databases (not just Web Servers). Take a look at SQLRelay ( as one possible option. - There's already a MemCached client implementation in Lua ( You should be able to use this with MySQL Proxy (