0.7 works perfectly fine for me ! Thank You !
I have 2 suggestions for you :
1) Though I believe that Win32whois is the best FREE whois client available on net, I can hardly find it at most of the software download sites (eg. Tucows, Download.com, Zdnets ...). I was just lucky to get it from one of my friends. You should submit this little nice program to those big d/l sites and let millions of people to enjoy your masterpiece !
2) I have added a "win32whois toolbar button" on my IE6. Whenever I browse any website that I'm interested in getting the domain details, I just press the win32whois button, input the domain name and all the relevant information will be showed up. Is there any possible way that win32whois will search the info automatically without me entering the domain name ? For example, if I go to www.yahoo.com in IE 6, can it be possible that win32whois will get the info for yahoo.com automatically without me entering the url ?
Thank You !