
Posts: 1
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2002, 03:27:50 pm » |
Option to keeping the Undo/Redo after saving. Option - Warning dialog with OK/Cancel when trying to open a large file(1MB+ or user defined) Option to turn on/off recent files
Thank You.
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2002, 01:41:24 pm » |
>>Option to keeping the Undo/Redo after saving. This is already done.  >>Option - Warning dialog with OK/Cancel when trying to open a large file(1MB+ or user defined) >>Option to turn on/off recent files Hmm... sounds interesting. I might actually add it to my list of TODO items. Gena01
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2002, 10:35:33 am » |
Option not to display "There is unsaved data. Save it?" dialog when exiting, I use Notepad/Win32Pad for storing temporary clipboard entries and when I dont need the window anymore asking this dialog wastes some time.
Or perhaps option not to save when window is [Untitled] - not saved into file.
Byte count and regular expressions would be nice to have too, but whatever you do don't do it at expense of startup speed.
Perhaps hotkey to reopen current file in predefined editor, would be handy sometimes.
Thanks :)
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2002, 02:08:40 am » |
When considering adding new features please keep in mind that people find Win32Pad so great because its so lightweight.  If any (major) features are added then it would be really good to be able to wait for them only if you need them. For example any feature affecting load time should be able to be disabled so that it does not affect it. What comes to the features.. Well, here's my wishlist: - Unicode support with optional byte-order-marks (UTF-8 would be enough for me) - syntax coloring per file type (especially I'd like to have all words starting with \ colored as I'm a TeX user) Regards, Jani Kajala
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2002, 01:23:42 am » |
A very nice Notepad replacement. My wishlist: - Exit the Win32Pad with the Esc - More shortcuts for the keyboard (for example Save as) - Byte count, Word count Keep it leightweight 
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2002, 08:31:52 am » |
Just downloaded win32pad - very nice, just what I'm looking for - small, efficient & addresses the irritating quirks of Notepad. Anyway, my wish is below  Opening a text file which has '.LOG' as the first line inserts the date - a useful (to me anyway) feature of Notepad, which win32pad doesn't yet have.
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2002, 02:37:50 am » |
I'm running Win32Pad under Windows 2000 Traditional Chinese version. Sometimes I need to edit Simplied Chinese file, so support for Unicode is a must for me.
Also, please DO keep win32pad tiny.
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2002, 10:54:51 am » |
I think it will be better if "Search again" will start from current cursor position.
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2002, 02:57:46 am » |
Win32Pad is great, I like it because it is so small! So if there are new features coming, please think about the main for this cute soft.. :-)
What would be really great:
A button where u can switch "highlight URL" ON/OFF because somtimes u want to select only a part of the URL but it selects the whole URL. By the way, when u switch "highlight URL" it takes only effect when win32pad is restarted. Or if not a button, the possibility to rightklick on the URL and a pop up menue where u can "open in standard browser" or "copy to clipboard" would be very nice
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2002, 05:12:15 am » |
Excuse my poor English. All the posters commented about the very good program that you did. I add to the same view. One features that you can evaluate for add or not in future versions: In search and replace, the posibility of search special characters. (tab, intro, Etc.) as in Word "Special characters" Thank you very much for this free , small and very useful program. I can translate this to Spanish if you want. Don't judge my English writing, I know exactly how translate all the menu and the help file for you as my modest contribution to this yours great work. I do not need any credit, I am only an end user. [email protected]
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2002, 03:25:10 pm » |
Thanks for this nice editor. I like the small size and quick load times, too, so keep those as top priorities. Still...
I would like a button on the Toolbar to toggle word wrap.
I would also like to be able to put the text file into read-only status with a button on the Toolbar and would like this to change either the foreground or background color.
I would like to be able to set the close "x" button of the window act as a minimize button (either to the task bar or the tray at my option). I still hit that button by mistake a lot (thanks, Microsoft).
Some sort of "line join" or "text unwrap" would be helpful. In my e-mail program, Eudora, there is a plug-in that unwraps text. This helps me put text copied from a webpage into good shape.
Thanks again for a handy program. Any of these features would be nice but keep the programsmall and fast.
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2002, 04:31:18 am » |
Hi, Interested in getting a text editor to read and save unix files, I ran a google search. After clicking and quickling backing out of several other sites I discovered this one. I downloaded Win32Pad and found it to be small, fast and incredibly easy to use. It was just what I was looking for. I have since been using it to edit php code and html. And for the last three months it has become my editor of choice when hand editing these type of files, such as the coding I do at Solar EmpireI'd just like to thank you for this wonderful program and hope you the best in its future. Maugrim
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2002, 05:34:49 pm » |
Not a huge bug, but it's still noticeable: When unselecting Highlight URLs from the menu, if you have a URL in the current document, it remains highlighted until you close and re-open the document. The reverse is also true (ie. have a URL in the current document, turn on Highlight URLs, and the URL remains unhighlighted until you close and-reopen the document).
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2002, 03:51:47 pm » |
thanks for the great, lightweight program,and thanks for NOT using MFC.
The feature I would like most in version 2.xx would be using Tabs for multiple documents. This wouldn't be really hard to program and wouldn't bloat the program either.
BTW: Do you know Dev-C++ (www.bloodshed.net?
I use it as my development platform, it also uses the windows gcc port, is REALLY lightweight for an IDE, but with great features.
have a nice day,
« Reply #29 on: July 25, 2002, 01:54:33 am » |
Is there a way to restore the default Notepad Icon? I seem to like it better. BTW, great program. Keep it small and keep it simple.